[KCDC Notice] Face mask use in summer

With the summer season now arrived, the high temperature means that people tend not to wear face masks properly.

Therefore, the KCDC is emphasizing the importance of proper mask wearing for effective COVID-19 prevention.

– The face mask should be adjusted to fit to your face, covering both your nose and mouth. You should wash your hands before wearing a face mask to prevent contamination.

– When wearing, you should not touch your mask as much as possible to limit the contamination through hands.

– When removing, you should take it off without touching the front of the mask. If you place tissues or other things inside of your mask, it will be less effective as there may be some gaps created and between the face and the mask.

– Strict hand washing is needed even if you wear a mask, since you can get infected when you touch your eyes/nose/mouth with contaminated hands.

Source: www.cdc.go.kr

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